Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Wanna Be a Big Loser! can something be a dream and a thorn at the same time?

Like 90% of females out there, my weight has been a burden since childhood, always fluctuating, making shopping & dressing impossible (I have sizes ranging from 12-22 in my joke). Watching the season finale of "The Biggest Loser 3" (I assume there was a marathon of the season meant to encourage those resolving to change their habits, and by extension appearance, with this new year) an idea came to me: I am on the average side of over weight, I am not morbidly obese, not dying of diabetes or anything, so I could not go on a show like that, but I do need some kind of motivation to move me, so I came up with this idea: lets do a personal "Biggest Loser"!!

Here is my plan:
  • We set a time--maybe like 8-10 weeks
  • We get a group--Those interested (there will be a set group of those interested) will compete in their weight loss, with some rules
  • We set a prize--I am thinkin' maybe we all pitch in and the winner gets the money or, if it is all girls, some kind of actual, physical prize like spa treatments and GCs for all the new clothes you will need)
  • We keep in touch & compare--maybe group dinner every couple of weeks
  • We choose a winner--we will use percentages, as they do on the show

To make this work, I need people to compete against. I figure we can find a way to do this without the embarrassing spandex, we won't be advertising our weight on national television, just a support group that pushes through competition, with an actual prize to look forward to.

So...who is with me? I would like to get a group together, decide the rules & prize so please let me know if you are at all interested of would like to participate.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Awesome idea! I knew a group of guys that use to do this. They had partners, although I don't know how that worked. I'm not trying to lose weight, but I am trying to lower my body fat percentage, so I'm tracking what I eat at Good luck! I know you can do it!!!